This website is always under development! Knighton Community Woodlands Group (KCWG) is currently taking over this site from Teme Valley Environment Group (TVEG). Most of the information about KCWG is still to be found here.

KCWG is a group of volunteers who manage woodlands for the benefit of wildlife and our members.  We come together once a week to share and learn skills at our woodland Task Days, during which we manage woodland sustainably, allowing our members access to affordable woodland products such as firewood and timber.  We also carry out plant, bird and moth biodiversity surveys of the woodlands we work in and make local, sustainable charcoal of exceptional quality.

KCWG is a separately constituted organisation that grew from Teme Valley Environment Group, who have generously always hosted our web presence.

News from Teme Valley Environment Group (TVEG)

There are no litter picks planned until  September  25th  due to the rapidly growing vegetation

Powys County Council are now recycling Tetrapaks. Put them in  your RED box ! About time 


The Teme Valley Environment Group (TVEG) is based in and around Knighton, Powys.  We are an open group and welcome people of all ages and abilities who are concerned about local sustainability and the environment. Our current concerns include local food production, reduction in the use of plastics, renewable energy supply via our partnership with Knighton Community Woodlands Group and other environmental projects including regular litter picking, developing sign up to to free water refill schemes  and support to other local single issue campaigns. We support and have cross membership with other local groups such as Wales in Bloom, and the sustainable food group

Please join us

:-email Lawrie Stevens  on

:-phone Anne Mary Davies on 01547 528833

Be part of a creative and inspiring movement. Or just turn up at one of our open meetings and we’ll be pleased to see you!

There is no fee to join.

You can

a) join in to any of the projects that are already running

b) you can set up your own project

c)  you can just receive emails about what we are doing

                                 SUMMARY OF TVEG ACTIVITIES

Edible Knighton  needs volunteers to tend the fruit and nut trees and herb beds around Knighton.  For details or to volunteer contact Sheila Clarke at: or phone 01547 520019. Go to the ‘Edible Knighton’ page for more information . This scheme supports Wales in Bloom

Litter Pick. The kit is available for any local group to borrow free of charge. Contact Sheila Clarke at phone 01547 520019.  Go to the ‘Tidy Towns’ page for the details of planned litter picks

Community Allotment  – Go to the ‘Allotments’ page for more information

Project Plastic   A campaign to raise awareness on damage casued by plastic and to change organisations and individuals behaviours. Money has been raised to support the  Knighton Carnival to have less plastic usage. For further information contact Nicola Colston and go to the ‘Project Plastic’ page 

Crisp bag collection to reduce waste to landfill (Powys do not recycle bags) around Knighton.  For further information contact Nicola Colston

Knighton Railway station garden  This is maintained and developed by volunteers of the group. For further infomation contact Sheila Clarke or phone 01547 520019. There is no separate page on this activity. The work group meet on the last Monday of the  month at 10 am at the Railway Station. Just turn up! This scheme supports Wales in Bloom  

Refill scheme TVEG supports the development of this scheme which encourages shop owners to provide free tap water for customers own non plastic bottles For further information go to the  ‘Project Plastic’ page

Support Sustainable Food Knighton. For further information go to the ‘Sustainable Food’ page


The Teme Valley Environment Group hold general meetings on an as needed basis. You can be involved in joining activities and projects without attending general meetings. Sub groups/meetings concentrating on specific projects will also be held from time to time in response to need. For full details see the ‘Meetings’ page.

The last Annual General meeting was held on 9th May 2022


Read TVEG’s Constitution.  Find it on the’ Constitution’ page.