

The 6 by 8 foot greenhouse has been resited and refurbished during the pandemic. A big thank you to those who did this. If anyone is interested in using it please contact for further information.

There are now two people using the greenhouse but please do not let that put you off ……..

What the community allotment  can offer you

TVEG  began to develop a community allotment  in 2007 to support local growers and encourage more local growing as part of the goal of reducing climate change and encouraging local sustainability. The use of allotments are a contribution to  mental well being, fitness and a valuable source of social contact. The allotment based in Knighton is now well established.


1. To promote local organic food growing
2. To link with other growers and groups
3. Growing vegetables for local people
4. Education for growing

The group is open to anyone, while following the rules of the allotments dictates that children have to be accompanied by an adult.

Come and grow fresh vegetables and get fit with us. You can give as much or as little time as you wish!

Current management 

The  allotment is divided into strips for individual members to manage for themselves and grow what they wish.

The communal, permanently planted areas, (Fruit trees and bushes, strawberries, raspberries, asparagus and herbs) are  managed and harvested by all allotment members.

Conditions for having an individual strip:

· Renewable annually
· All plots must be managed organically
· Annual allotment rent to be divided equally between plot holders
· Every plot holder must undertake a minimum of 4 sessions per year to manage and maintain the communal parts of the allotment and can of course harvest their share of the produce.
· The shed and tools are all communal.

Phone Anne Mary 01547 528833or email her.

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