What is TVEG?
An informal group of people interested in the environment which seeks to promote the wellbeing of local people and the local economy whilst protecting and conserving the local environment with prudent use of resources
How does TVEG hope to achieve the aims?
- by initiating, promoting and supporting projects that extend local sustainability and public benefit, in areas such as food production, energy, health and wellbeing, transport, housing and livelihoods.
- engaging in promoting awareness of environmental concerns through advice, assistance and research.
What does being a member of TVEG mean?
- Membership of the group is open to anyone who supports the aims of the group and is willing to participate in activities supporting the aims of the group.
- Membership is free
When does the group meet?
- TVEG has several projects which hold meetings as necessary. Work/task hours are publicised so not everyone needs to attend meetings.
- General meetings are also arranged on an ‘as needed’ basis
- The Annual General meeting is due in March 2020 but due to the coronovirus pandemic has been postponed until further notice