Energy issues past and present

Your carbon foot print – we need to reduce emissions!

There are lots of places where you can explore how to judge your carbon foot print ‘ look on the internet!  USA based but takes data from the UN ‘ enables cross country comparisons Indepependent UK site ‘ best to use own current informatiion  easy to use

calculator.carbonsavvy  comprehensive with emailed tips if you sign up

There is a car sarving scheme based in Ludow and Shrewsbury

Join a national measuring process called imeasure. To sign up to imeasure, go to and follow these instructions.

* Click on register
* Enter your details, click on create new user
* Log in with your user name and password
* Complete your profile with the details of your house
* Enter the date of your earliest reading
* Click on meter reading and “set up your meters” you need to know and enter details of your water, gas and electricity meter and what unit they measure in. Confused? See Appendix 1A on meter reading (opens in new page).
* First enter the details of one meter click “enter details”, the meter will appear below
* Add the other meter using the same method
* Add meter readings – go to meter readings section, read your meters and put the units in. If you get stuck see appendix 1A on meter reading
* Keep a weekly log, and watch the graphs change!

Tips on energy saving 

  • Buy energy saving lightbulbs
  • Turn appliances off standby mode
  • Turn down thermostats
  • Don’t block radiators
  • Turn lights off in unused rooms
  • Clean lampshades
  • Use a slow cooker
  • Cook in batches
  • Only fill the kettle with what you need
  • Don’t pre heat the grill
  • Wash clothes at a lower temperature
  • Air dry rather than tumble dry
  • Draught proof your home
  • Insulate hot water pipes
  • Have thick curtains
  • Shower don’t bath
  • Try dry shampoo

Past activities

When the Teme Valley Environment Group was formed in 2006 one of the first things was to look at the energy use in the town. A measure of the energy used in a selection of homes, public buildings and businesses was carried out to get an approximate carbon footprint of the town. This showed us how much energy was used and therefore how much money was leaving the town to pay for it! It was £4million from the Knighton area alone! This process was supported by the Environment Agency and Powys Environment partnership and was a format developed by the Wasteless Society in Bishop’s Castle.

The carbon footprint of Knighton was 25% higher than the national average due to old building stock, less mains gas and a higher than average use on transport. Action needed to be taken:

* Step 1: We ran two Affordable warmth days with 140 people attending; demonstrating a real need by the people of Knighton for information and advice on energy saving.

* Step 2: Saving energy can be quite simple and very cost effective. But it needs good quality advice delivered direct to the home to catalyse action. The Energy Efficiency arm of TVEG brought a Household Energy Service in to the valley. This was run by volunteer surveyors visiting clients who requested a Household Energy Survey. After carrying out the survey they sent the information to Lightfoot Enterprises, who run the service, where a qualified Energy Officer wrote a report for the client prioritising and suggesting action to reduce energy use and save money. Lightfoot Enterprises continue to support the client and are always available for advice and further information. This service is still available.